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Believability: Sexual Violence, Media, and the Politics of Doubt

Sarah Banet-Weiser and Kathryn Claire Higgins, Polity Press. Available from Polity and Bookshop.


Credibilidad: Por Qué No Se Cree Las Mujeres 

Sarah Banet-Weiser & Kathryn Claire Higgins, Barlin Libros. Translated in Spanish by Daniel Esteban Sanzol. Available from Barlin Libros

In Preparation

Victimcould: Vulnerability Politics, Media, and the Imaginary Future 

Kathryn Claire Higgins. Currently being written with the support of a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Annenberg Center for Collaborative Communication.

Journal Articles

Visual Communication 

Rethinking visual criminalization: news images and the mediated spacetime of crime events

Higgins, K.C. (2022) 'Rethinking visual criminalization: news images and the mediated spacetime of crime events.' Visual Communication, online first, available here.


Winner of the  2021 Top Student Paper award, 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Visual Communication Studies Division

Television and New Media 

Television and the 'honest' woman: mediating the labor of believability

Banet-Weiser, S. & Higgins, K.C. (2022) 'Television and the 'honest' woman: mediating the labour of believability', Television and New Media, 23(2), p. 127-147, available here.


"Nobody feels safe": vulnerability, fear, and the micro-politics of ordinary voice in crime news television

Higgins, K.C. (2021) '"Nobody feels safe": Vulnerability, fear. and the micro-politics of ordinary voice in crime news television', Journalism, 23(10), p. 2114-2131, available here

Feminist Media Studies 

Sensing the (in)visible: domestic cleaning and cleaners on Mumsnet Talk

Orgad, S. & Higgins, K.C. (2021) 'Sensing the (in)visible: domestic cleaning and cleaners on Mumsnet Talk', Feminist Media Studies, online first, available here

Journal of Gender Studies (forthcoming)

Liars, scammers and cheats: con(fident) women and post-authentic femininities on television

Banet-Weiser, S. & Higgins, K.C. (forthcoming). 'Liars, Scammers and Cheats: Con(fident) Women and Post-Authentic Femininities on Television.' Journal of Gender Studies.

In Preparation 

Beyond copaganda: criminalization as a (mediated) politics of vulnerability

Winner of the 2022 Top Student Paper Award, 72nd Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Philosophy, Theory and Critique Division

Book Chapters

Cruel benevolence: vulnerable menaces, menacing vulnerabilities, and the white male vigilante trope

Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence. Edited by Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge. Available online here.

The post-truth of rape

forthcoming, with Sarah Banet-Weiser. Popular Truth and Consequences: Critical Approaches to Post-Truth Crises (Routledge). Edited by Jayson Harsin. 

Other Writing

Blogs, Book Reviews, Popular Media

Media@LSE Blog

Polity Blog

Media@LSE Blog

Media@LSE Blog

Progressive International 

Media@LSE Blog 

International Journal of Communication

Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning

Contemporary Issues in Teaching and Learning 

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